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My beautiful babies.. there a bit older now.
About me
Watching the Inconvenient Truth movie by Al Gore was when I first became aware of our changing climate.
Having kids, worrying about their future and the planet, I set out to reduce my carbon footprint. I have managed to achieve some goals.
I have reduced our home electricity usage, stopped eating meat (that was bloody hard and still to this day I would love a piece of salmon) and started getting into recycling.
I still have a lot of areas that need improving though.
When my son was younger and I worked part-time, I completed a TAFE course, Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices. I won two awards at my work place for implementing sustainable practices around the office.
However, in the earlier days, things were different for me when my daughter was young. I was working full time, we didn't have a car for a few years, I was a single mum, day care, vacation care, every day was huge.
Most of the time my kitchen and my house was a complete mess because I didn't have the strength at the end of the day to do the dishes, let alone clean.
So I wonder, how do busy parents today find time to be sustainable?
I am in the position to share what I have learnt so far with others and I want to create a fun website that is a resource for everyone, that can be improved upon and especially useful for busy parents!
A sustainability journey we can go on together.
PS. Any businesses I have mentioned on this website do not sponsor me in anyway.

I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land and waters I live on, the Noonuccal, Goenpul and Ngugi tribes. I have an understanding that all the lands, doesn't matter where I am, is and always will be Aboriginal land.
I understand that the land was stolen from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. I am sorry for the atrocities those people had to endure during colonialisation.
To this day, I know that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people still suffer the pain from the trauma felt by their ancestors.
I acknowledge that racism is still present in this country and that to move forward, firstly we need to look back, to acknowledge, educate and be aware of what happened to the Aboriginal people and then make sure we have truly learnt from those mistakes!
Big love to all first nations people!
I want a future where love is the norm!
Have you ever been in a tough situation and a stranger has come along and helped you out of the blue? That happened to me.
Or were you someone who received help from the "Mud Army"?
The Mud Army were people who after the Brisbane floods, brought a shovel and/or a tractor, at their own expense, to help people clean up the mud from inside their homes and around the neighbourhood, and to help them to get back on their feet.
We as human beings have the capability of showing great unconditional love for each other and when we do...we can achieve anything!
Don't be afraid or miss an opportunity to show love and kindness - they are what our world needs!